(29th February 2004) I have been thrilled by your
reactions to the photographic galleries since they were first posted so these are continuing to grow. As the new season progresses there is quite a bit more content planned so watch this space. Out of curiosity I check up on you lot occasionally, just to see how many of you are visiting and what you are looking at so I am very pleased to say that you are not alone! During the last twelve months this site was viewed by just over 20000 different visitors. As a site that has been built
out of my own passion for this subject, I can hardly believe how popular the site has become in the wider World. Thank you for your interest. If you have a moment, do please drop a note into the Visitor Book and say Hello (8th November 2003) New pictures, new pages and new designs this month. New pages include a page on Viking burial customs plus a bit about food and some new galleries in the photography section. All of these of course needed new photographs but the photography section needed a new design. I liked the old design for these pages but the navigation was just not clear enough so changes were made, I hope you like them. It has been just over a year now since launching the new domain name ( www.lore-and-saga.co.uk ) I have
been very pleased with the response and feed back. Remember this site needs your input too. Ideas for new pages are very welcome or you can leave your own comments in the guestbook. (24th September 2003) I am often asked “What did you do before you got involved in Living history?” Well my background is in photography which has
been a passion of mine for many years. Most of the pictures in these pages are taken by me but recently I have had the time to revive my interest and also experiment with the new digital technology. To give myself an outlet for this interest I have decided to add some Photographic Galleries to this site. You will find some Living History shots there but mostly it is landscape that interests me. If you are interested in photography why not take a browse.
(5th August 2003) The school holidays are here and that means maintenance time for me, clothing to make, new ideas to work on, sites to see and generally a bit of time spent on the things that don’t put bread on the table but are essential to the integrity of what I do. It has also given me time to do some tidying up around the website. Lorraine Botting, an Iron age interpreter who is also pretty handy with a camera has just let me to add some of her shots to the site which
has allowed me to retire some of the tired ones I was using on the Iron age page. I have now added a guestbook so this gives you a great opportunity to let me know what you think of the site and anything you would like to see in the future. So sign in and lets see who you all are. (1st June 2003) Busy, busy times lately but I haven’t forgotten you so the Iron Age page has been rewritten and a Celtic art page has been added. There is a new page on Viking and Saxon buildings. a lot of you have been interested in Danelaw so there are new pages on the Viking and Roman programs on site and for those of you bringing schools from farther afield check out York Time Travel. I started to build some Bronze Age kit recently and you can see what some of this involves here. It’s nice to see that visitor figures for the site have been climbing steadily month on month so I maybe I’m doing something right but if there is anything you would like to see on this site let me know by dropping me a line by e-mail. (15th March 2003) Some of you may have heard about the arson attack on the Danelaw Viking Village at Murton Park a little while ago, a lot has been said about it on the web lately. One comment, which came from a group that had been planning to build a longhouse for years, even said that it would be impossible to build a longhouse for £4000 in a few weeks. Well you might want to take a look here, and by the way how is your longhouse getting on? The Danelaw team headed up by Dave Thirlwall are in my opinion some of the finest Living History educators in this country and it is a great shame that some other organisations do not take the effort to understand the good work being done at that site instead of just jealously criticising. In between helping at Danelaw and other things I have also had a little time to work on
the site navigation bars. I have placed them on the right so that those of you with smaller screens do not have to keep scrolling across for the pages but just when you want to go somewhere else. If you want to explore in other ways the rotating picture at the top of each page may link you to pages you didn’t know about. for all you “text-ies” out there I will try to make sure that there are multiple links from the body text to all pages as well.
New pages include a page on Viking Ships and Roman Soldiers Equipment. More stuff is on the way so watch this space. (20th February 2003) I’ve been playing with a Digital camera this month so I should be able to add a lot more pictures to the site this year. The problem with recreating the past is that there were no cameras in it, so I have had to rely on pictures
taken by other people up till now. New pages this month include a Roman Soldiers Equipment page and a Viking Boneworking page both of which feature pics from the new toy. (12th January 2003) Yule has passed and a new year begun. New things here are a little less obvious for this week. I have been working on changes to the site architecture for a while. I
hope you will hardly notice the change because it’s all supposed to be back room stuff to make it easier for me to update things. If you find something that doesn’t work as it should, please let me know as it all works on my machines, but it may be different for yours. Someone asked me why the site was called Lore and Saga. If you click the Logo above you will now find the answer to that question. Links to Revision dates and
Copyright details can now be found at the bottom of most pages. See you again soon I hope. (18th December 2002) Some of you had problems downloading the PDF files so I have changed them to a Zipped versions to help them transfer better. New this week is a short section on Money looking at the its history in connection with the Romans, Saxons and Vikings.
So wishing you all a good Yule and next year there’s more to come. (12th December 2002) I’ve just finished adding a downloads page so from now on whenever you see the Floppy Disk icon it means you can download a PDF file of the information in that section. This means you can print it out as a properly formatted document for your own use. Please note Copyright restrictions apply to all commercial usage’s. To use PD. files you need a program such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. This program comes free with Internet Explorer or Nets cape Navigator versions 3.0 or later. If you do not have this program it is available to download free at Adobe. You may have noticed the little IRA label at the bottom of the pages, That’s just to say that this web site is signed up with the Internet Content Rating Association. It should improve accessibility for computers using Internet content filters. I’ve also added a shortcut navigation combo box at the bottom of each page to help you get where you
want to go... providing of course you know were you want to go already! Well that’s all for this week. TTFN. (30th November 2002) Well, this page is new for a start. With so much planned for this site I intend to update at least once a month. At the moment its more like once a week as things move on. This page will give you an idea of what’s happening and direct links to new sections. I will also let you know what is planned for the next
updates so by book marking this or the home page you can keep up with new developments. Recent changes include of course the new domain name: www.lore-and-saga.co.uk A bit less of a mouthful than the old one I hope. I’ve added the new navigation bar that you used to get here I presume and changed the buttons for the secondary navigation bars because some of you said the old ones were difficult to read. You see I
really do listen. If you have any more comments or suggestions click here and I’ll do what I can. There is a now a Frequently Asked Questions page regarding booking an in school presentation, I will update this as time goes on. The Resources section is starting to be developed now and this area should be the fastest growing area from now on.
Added to the popular Chronology are four new pages on Runes aiming at simplifying the subject a little and a selection of Ancient Games that can be played at home, round a camp fire or in the classroom. |